Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I think maybe I'm tired...

I lost my keys this morning. Which is very unlike me. And my first thought, as I was running through my house, already late, was: Maybe I should try calling them. It took a minute to figure out why that may not work. But oh how nice it would have been if it could.


mick said...

wondered why i did not hear from you this am....calling the keys...interesting concept and i'd develop this idea more...i see some $$ to be made here....and i'd be first on line to get one...b is CONSTANTLY losing his keys *eye roll*...i'd be ringing those keys all the live long day....ha! :)

mick said...
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heather said...

hmmm.... that's a good idea. i thought i would make money with all the phrases i've been coining lately but i don't know how to make people pay me everytime they add "aire" to a sentence. so in the meantime this might be just the right path to my getting rich. or at least- less poor.

abby said...

I really rarely lose things so on occasions when I do, I seriously feel like I'm losing my mind.

So wait...did you find your keys?

mick said...

remember when that clock face completely disappeared under my oven when i dropped it?...i really, really thought there was a ghost in my house....seriously one minute it was there and the next...POOF!....gone! that was so freaky.

heather said...

abby- you would like to know, wouldn't you. planning to raid my house while i'm at the office i see. i don't think i have anything you like. it's all dirty. wait, maybe i have some used boots that you could have.

yes, i found them.

mick- omg don't get me started about that again. lol