Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm as surprised as anyone.

I must be very impressionable because it's not just Glenn Close (see previous post). Now my husband is rubbing off on a very good way. He's away and yet this is my kitchen 30 minutes after six dinner guests left my apartment. And instead of leaving everything in the sink to soak all night and just going to bed, I washed every dish as soon as the door was shut! Well, there are some on the drying rack and a couple in the sink, but it's just the few that didn't fit in the dishwasher (the ability to fit every single dish we own in the dishwasher is something I've yet to pick up from him). And looking at this photo makes me want to go back over there and wipe those smudges off the counter. This doesn't sound like me...maybe I've had too much wine...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I can pretend I'm a lawyer, too

I think Glenn Close is really having an influence on me. Or maybe it's Patty Hewes, her character on 'Damages'. Our apartment negotiations are not going well in either direction and I'm trying to channel Patty, who is a high-powered and manipulative lawyer, while attempting to get this sorted out.

It's a long story, but here's the (very) abridged version: Prices have been agreed to on both our sale and purchase. But now the contract crap starts and it's all little nitpicky issues :(

And to make matters worse, I am the one communicating with the broker and lawyer for the next week or so, and let me tell you, negotiating is not my forte. It makes my blood pressure go up.

So, I'm kind of a stress-case until we work this all out. I'm just going to have to go home and watch more Damages to see what else I can learn...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Funniest thing ever. Ok, maybe not ever but it's darn funny.

I am super addicted to Real Time with Bill Maher. I literally live for Friday nights when it's on. I mean, People Magazine in the mailbox and Bill on the tv? Who could ask for more?

Anyway, last night he had some guy named Trace Atkins on. He's a country singer, on Celebrity Apprentice (um, why?) and wrote some book. Whatever. All I know is he was wearing a big black cowboy hat and had the thickest accent I ever heard. I didn't think he was too amusing but I stayed with it.

They had a section called "Blogga, Please." Me being a newfound Blogga I was super excited. Basically it was viewer questions that were emailed in.

So..... What was so funny?

The question came in: What does the panel think about the FDA approving the sale of food from cloned animals?

And without missing a beat, and in that terrificly deep accent Trace says:

Wait for it.....

"Have cows stopped fucking?"

And that was it. Because, really, what can you say to that? It's hilarious and true and more hilarious because it's true. Holy mackerel. And seriously, if cows are still procreating why DO we need cloned meat? I would really like to know. Anyway, there I was with my pal Tivo, watching and rewinding, watching and rewinding. All the funnier because Bill Maher lost it. Just could not stop laughing. Ah, how I love when someone makes Bill laugh.

Anyway it was funny after that too but really that is the absolute best.

Ooooh.... just trying to watch some LO:CI as I type and here it is again! I forgot I changed the channel last night. Whoooohooo! More funny!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Keep em. Feh.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I think maybe I'm tired...

I lost my keys this morning. Which is very unlike me. And my first thought, as I was running through my house, already late, was: Maybe I should try calling them. It took a minute to figure out why that may not work. But oh how nice it would have been if it could.

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's my lucky day!

From commenter to blogger in a flash! Check me out, blogging.

Maybe one of these days I'll come up with something to say, although unveiling the secret of the tooth fairy is going to be a tough act to follow. In the meantime, I'll just be over there, babbling incoherently.

Oh, and you're pretty, too.